Our Programs

Please email mail@campwinston.com for any further questions you may have about our programs.

When Do Sessions Run?

Each camp session during the summer months between June and August.

Camp Winston also provides weekend respites for current and potential campers during the “off-season” between September and May.

What Will My Child Do There?

Camp Winston’s summer camp programs offer a unique opportunity for children to learn vital social and recreational skills specific to their needs while participating, often for the first time, in recreational activities (sports, swimming, tubing, kayaking, canoeing, crafts, theatre, ropes course, nature studies and canoe trips). Visit our summer program activities here and our respite program activities here for more information.

How Will Your Programs And Services Benefit My Child

Camp Winston will offer your child an opportunity to discover their independence, build self-confidence and establish and maintain new friendships by connecting with children who may share similar challenges and experiences.


Camper Care Plans

Please email mail@campwinston.com for any further questions you may have about camper care plans.

Who Attends Camp Winston

Camp Winston offers summer camp programs and weekend retreats throughout the year for campers aged 7-17. Campers have a complex combination of neurological disorders, which include but are not limited to:

Autism Spectrum Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Tourette’s Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and other anxiety disorders, Oppositional Defiant Disorder

At Camp Winston, everyone is welcome and supported.

Can Camp Winston Accommodate Specific Requirements Related To Food, Routine, Physical Surroundings, Etc?

At Camp Winston, caregivers can rest assured knowing their child will be in an environment where they will receive care from highly skilled and experienced counsellors who are committed to ensuring your child feels welcomed, connected and secure enough to participate without fear of rejection or alienation. Please contact us to discuss your child’s specific needs.

Did You Know Our Programs Focus On Goal Setting?

We meet with guardians before camp and ask them to select the individualized goals that their campers can apply for the rest of their lives. It’s not about what we want at camp, but what will work for the campers and their families at home. The skills our campers further develop at camp fall under the following categories:

  • Social – learning to take turns, negotiate, compromise, and how to invite others to socialize.

  • Recreational – how to stern a canoe, play on a team, ride a bike, and play games.

  • Domestic – focused on the Teen Program (for employability).

  • Self-Care – i.e. personal hygiene and strategies for maintaining positive mental health.

  • Challenge by Choice - Kids set their own personal goals. They learn that different people have different challenges and different competencies, and we can celebrate each others’ successes and support each other’s challenges.



Please email mail@campwinston.com, for any further questions you may have about enrolment and costs.

Is There A Waiting List To Be Accepted To Camp Winston?

Yes. Camp Winston can accommodate 36 campers per session and our demand is far greater than our capacity. Children are placed on the waiting list and offered a spot as soon as it becomes available. Once children get into Camp Winston, they can stay until the age of 17. Please contact the Camp Winston office if you have any questions about our waitlist. You can join the waitlist here.


Funding & Support

Please email Daniella Montgomery, our registrar for any further questions you may have about funding and ways to help.

How Is Camp Winston Funded?

Camp Winston receives no regular government funding. We rely solely on donations from the generosity of individuals, foundations, corporations and fees. Camp Winston is a registered charitable organization (Reg. No. 135152163RR0001).

Ways To Help

Camp Winston has a variety of fundraisers throughout the year for our generous donors to help support us financially. Our next fundraiser will be announced soon! You can also create your own fundraiser for Camp Winston or donate to Camp Winston at any time! Please check our Support Us page here on our website for additional ways to support Camp Winston, including making a donation.

Does Camp Winston Have Volunteer Opportunities?

Absolutely! Camp Winston is always looking for caring, compassionate and skilled volunteers to work with us over the course of the year. By volunteering at Camp Winston, you will make a meaningful difference in the lives of children with complex neurobiological disorders. To ensure a consistently high level of care, all of our front-line service workers receive extensive training and, therefore, volunteers will not be accepted in these positions. Please fill out our volunteer form to help us place you in a volunteer position that best fits you!

If you have further questions, we are happy to answer. Ask us questions by filling out the following form.