Drama Program
The Camp Winston Drama Program involves each cabin of campers who are 7-13 years of age, attending approximately two drama activity rotations a week during their time at Camp Winston. Our small theatre is equipped with an extensive prop and costume collection, musical instruments and various audio and video equipment. Our campers have the opportunity to learn many elements of the theatre, including: acting, singing, dancing, team building, interactive drama games, character creation, video making and the art of story-telling. Campers take part in play based, improv drama activities and games designed by the Drama Instructor. Activities and games range widely and are designed to allow campers with an opportunity to connect through group work, creating alternate characters and feeling comfortable enough to perform without judgement.
During our two week summer camp sessions, a play is performed at the end of the session in front of family and friends. The Play is a two week long project that gives campers the opportunity to practice public speaking, performance, and teamwork. Plays performed in prior years have been the Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, and the Golden Goat.
Program Goals/Skill Building
Individual expression through verbal, non verbal, movement, dance and singing.
Public Speaking
Problem Solving